poniedziałek, 9 czerwca 2014

Inter Class School Contest

Hello again!

It's the final countdown............This weekend gave us a taste of holiday. We are so close to summer.

Rozpoczyna się finałowe odliczanie. W ten weekend poczuliśmy smak wakacji. Lato coraz bliżej.....

Thursday 5th June was a big day for English learners. Inter class school competition took place. Students from class V and VI spoke English, listened to a song and cooked delicious dishes. It was funny, exciting and delicious …...

1st place
Class 6b   Małgosia, Basia and Krzysiek
 2nd place
Class 5a   Kacper, Patryk and Krzysiek
Class 6b   Karolina, Jaś and Norbert
3rd place
 Class 5b    Magda, Patryk and Mateusz
Congratulations with people faces

Have a look and feel the atmosphere of joy, fun and happiness......

Masterchef first episode and the dishes




Our young cooks made the dishes with passion !

Strawberry and banana smoothie- Kacper, Patryk, Krzysiek class 5a

Greek salad – Magda, Patryk, Mateusz class 5b

Fruit salad – Małgosia, Basia, Krzysiek class 6b

A double Decker club sandwich – Norbert, Jasiu, Karolina class 6b


The dishes looked amazing and tasted gorgeous. You made us proud!!!

Dziękujemy rodzicom młodych i utalentowanych kucharzy, którzy pomogli nam zaopatrzyć spiżarnię w produkty potrzebne do wykonania dań.

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