środa, 4 grudnia 2013

American Day

On Friday we learnt some amazing facts about history and traditions of the United States. We set our journey from Plymouth on a ship called The Mayflower…….

Then we travelled west to meet cowboys…… We enjoyed watching news from California……..and of course we loved Justin Bieber show.

It was great to see you having a wonderful time!

We would like to share with you some photos taken on American Day :-)

A trip around the USA- Mission accomplished

The end result was phenomenal................

Konkurs “Wycieczka po wybranym Stanie Ameryki Północnej” rozstrzygnięty!

I miejsce – Patryk Stisz- klasa Va

II miejsce- Natalia Witek klasa Vb

III miejsce- Kacper Grochal Va

Wyróżnienia otrzymali: Wiktoria Jakubiec, Małgorzata Adamczyk, Nikola Kaleta, Dawid Janota, Katarzyna Grzegorzek, Kacper Górowski

Thank you to all of you! It was a very enjoyable trip !
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