środa, 17 grudnia 2014

Christmas Cracker Quiz

Last Monday was very busy and tasty......because we baked gingerbread cookies. Do you know how to make them? Let's watch and enjoy !

 We decorated cookies with icing and cake decorations.
We had so much fun and we felt that Christmas is coming soon...
Look at the photo gallery of our special moments together!!!
Decorating the cookies....

Ms Edyta Drewniak joined us on that day :-)


How much do know about British Christmas Customs?
Czy znasz brytyjskie zwyczaje świąteczne? Posłuchaj i
rozwiąż zagadki do piątku 19 grudnia ! Czekamy na odpowiedzi w sali 29!!!
Na zwycięzców czekają smaczne nagrody !

 Have a lovely Christmas with your family!
Spreading Christmas Kindness.This is our gift to you !!!

Mrs A. Komędera & Mrs K. Gołębiowska

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